Saturday, November 15, 2008

oh the delays

Alright I admit I havent been updating my blog a whole lot and I analogize. Sadly I have been having some problems lately that have prevented me from being able to sit down and write this all out. So Let me bring you up to speed on some of the weeks I missed

The day after Halloween I had a drunk guy grab my bouncer in a violent way, so I run up behind him and dragged him out in a head lock. Sadly the dude had finger nails from hell and managed to rip my sleeve right open. So now I'm down to one work shirt as the other one shrank in the dryer (thanks Roomy) also some stupid fat girl spit on my manager....the aggressive manager...who decided to call the police on the girl and got her dragged out in hand cuffs.

Last friday I got some horrible news and I was too distraught to work. I was there an hour and I walked up to my manager and told him that I had to leave, my emotions were getting the best of me in there.

Saturday was kinda dull too, so my manager decided to cut everyone except one server and me and another doorguy. So Murphy's Law, anything that can go wrong can and will, was in full effect. He cut everyone, next thing you know we were packed. thankfully after having a nice little "talk" with the GM that manager will no longer be running the club thank god. well thats about it, hopefully i have some better stories after work tonight.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Celtic Harvest

Alright last night was Halloween, now I love Halloween, free candy and scantly clad girls cant be beat. Yet, year after year, I always dread working on Halloween. Why? well something insane happened at work last Halloween which I cannot talk about on here, but lets just say it was one of the more horrifying nights of my life (no pun intended). This year was alot better and for once we didnt seem to have any real psychos in the club.

The night started off simple enough, all my guys showed up (cept for one but thats normal). We got the place prepped and ready, and I changed into my costume. I was a door to door mormon complete with black tie and backpack. It was a clever costume that many people actually reconized. Well we opened the club and within the first half hour we were at 250 people, which was amazing, but for that first half hour I had to help the ID checker with the massive line that had developed. Once we got the line through and taken care of it was back inside for me. So I'm walking along lookin for drunks, counting how many Jokers we had (12), and staring at cleavage. 3 hours in and it has been overall a very dissapointing day. See Halloween is kinda like that NASCAR race Talledega. There is always, always that one major crash, it always happens and everyone is waiting for it. Thats Halloween in the club, there is always one major fight, we know its gonna happen and we are all waiting for it.

The DJ calls me to the stage and tells me to kick everyone off the stage. Too many people on stage means that someone is going to kick the wrong cord and shut the music off. Which is exactly what happens when I start pushing people off the stage. The DJ and I are racing around trying to find which cord was kicked while the crowd actually sings the rest of the song that was playing (Jesse's Girl). We get the cord plugged back in and I get everyone off stage when suddenly a car hit the wall and caused a massive pill up, aka the fight we've been expecting breaks loose. I stormed the dance floor pushing people out of the way till I finally got to the opening. Thats when I picked my target, the biggest guy in the fight, ran dropped my shoulders and just slammed into the guy. I wrapped him up and as we were falling I twisted my body mid air and slammed him hard into the ground. He tried to get back up, so I jumped slammed him into the ground again then proceeded to do a judo pin called the scarf hold on him (look it up) when suddenly I feel a bunch of people grab me and my back pack and yank me off of him. Who ever grabbed me off was still holding on so whipped my arm around to break their grips and turned around expecting to have to takle another guy, only to see that is was 4 girls that yanked me off of him. When I looked back at the guy i tackled he had his arms in the air as to surrender and was running out of the club. I look around to realize that I was the only one who broke up the fight, my other bouncers didnt even know it happened. So that was the first time I have ever broken up a fight by myself, and despite a bruised and scraped elbow, I'd say i did a prettyd damn good job.

So moral of the story? Dont fuck with the guy dressed as a Mormon.